Making Space for God FALL 2024 Offsite Groups

In the Fall and Spring, DNG hosts Making Space for God. You will find impactful and theologically sound teaching from Joanne Ellison and the DNG Teaching Team, life-changing small groups where deep relationships are formed, and access to powerful prayer from the DNG Prayer Team and volunteers.


Fall 2024
Nehemiah: Rebuilding Walls
September 5 - November 21, 2024

As you walk through the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, you will walk through the rebuilding of your own broken-down spiritual walls. This is a powerful study designed to bring you healing and wholeness.


Your registration includes:

  • Study guides and online resources.
  • Engaging small group discussions, dynamic teaching, and prayer ministry
  • Daily Devotional email subscription
  • Weekly Blog email subscription

*Access to add-on Teachings for streaming anytime.


For questions or to request a scholarship, please email

Your Contact Information


Offsite Groups

The field Community Group Leader is required.


Activity Price Quantity Total
Leader Registration $50.00
Small Group Leader Only
Nehemiah - Registration $15.00
Includes the study guide
Add-on: Streaming Access $20.00
  Total: $0.00
Add a promotion code
Total Amount Due: $0.00